
The one with heart

Max is your best bud in preschool. Turns out you two both have a Bicuspid Aortic valve and a valve stenosis. That means that your Aortic valve should have three flaps that seal your valve close and yours only has two. Stenosis means narrowing, your valve is smaller than its supposed to be. I know momma doesn't talk about your Bicuspid valve or your stenosis much, its mostly because now that your Ventricular Septal defect, that hole in your heart, was repaired, the doctors don't seem too worried that those defects will interfere with you living a full life. As long as your valve is not leaking and your stenosis does not worsen, you are as healthy as any other two year old out there!

As we are coming to a close this months, and because it is Congenital Heart Defect Awareness month, I find it only appropriate to point out the amazing doctors and medicine that exists today, and to show our gratitude, because with out them you wouldn't be here with us today. And trust me little one, I need you here, no matter how much you make me want to pull my hair out, you bring me more joy that I could have ever imagined.