
interpreter wanted

You have a very extensive vocabulary, however, it almost solely consists of farm animals these days. I blame it on the fact that every book we seem to own takes place on a farm. If you weren't so good at making animal noises momma would sure struggle with the following words:

Free - means "fish"
Freo - means "sheep"
Frah - means "frog"
Fran - means "elephant"

See what I mean? Confusing. Can I tell you how long it took me to figure out that "god" actually meant "dog"? Dr. Schmidt says we need to work on putting your words together to make sentences. You can imagine how difficult this is when you only really know nouns and very very few verbs. Others would beg to differ, in fact your grandma is amazed how much you talk, she is convinced you are saying all sorts of things. However, we spend a lot of time wondering what it is you are saying. Sometimes I think it would be helpful to have an interpreter. For instance, the following words can be confusing out of context:

Mo - could mean "more" or "milk" depending on where you are standing
Doh - could be "door" or "down" depending on whether you are whining
Side - could be "inside" or "outside" depending on what side of the door you are on
Heh - could be "head" or "hurt" or sometimes both depending on what you ran into

As difficult as it can be to figure out what you are saying, we love that you are trying so hard to communicate.

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