
12:12 12/12/12

Pretty special day, 12:12pm on 12/12/12. It will only happen once a century, and this century you spent that special moment in your first day of Preschool!

Miss Aubrie (SLP) was going to have you wait to the new year to come, but she decided that making a friend or two before the new year would be great. Funny thing about your first day of Preschool, you were the only child that wasn't scared to leave momma and daddy to go to class.

Your played with sand, read a book, played some games, made a very glittery craft in which you are super proud of and insisted goes on our fridge, and you even got to snack on some popcorn and hot cocoa! Needless to say, you didn't want to leave.

All the teachers were very impressed how much you would repeat, they say it is a good sign that you are interested in speaking. They were amazed all the animals you knew, and the sounds that go with each and every animal! But  they couldn't stop laughing when they asked everyone to clean up, without being directed you immediately began singing "clean up, clean up, everybody do your share" while picking up the chairs and stacking them. You made momma proud, even if i don't understand why you think the chairs were making the room messy!

The homework Miss Aubrie gave us to work on during the break was "Yes" and "No" questions. When I ask you questions like "is Gage a boy?" you like to respond "boy!" in stead of "yes!" Don't worry we will get there, you are catching on so quickly these days!

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