
auntie stef

Steffi left us this week. You know, auntie Steffi. She is momma’s sister. I know you don’t see her much, its because she is always on the move, a lot like you, but she moves states, and sometimes countries. She is the one that jostles you around to make you tough. She has a miraculous way of keeping you happy when you tired, and as a result, causing you to stay up much too late. She loves to run her fingers over your face and babble, and you love it more when she does.

Steffi left us to go to Russia. That’s really far away. Its cold, and Steffi hates the cold. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but she will miss your first Christmas, your first birthday, and even your second birthday while she is there. I will miss her. But not to worry little man, we can write her often. I am sad to see her go but I know she will be doing a good thing while she is gone.

Saying goodbye is never fun. But we made the most of it...

In fact we even threw in a classic jumping pose, the last one til she returns....

(Notice Steffi's sock tan. Oh and Amanda is running in the air.
It doesn't even bother me that our heads of cut off!)

I think you miss her already, i can just tell!

1 comment:

Joni said...

I love those pictures. They are so cute. Nat! Your hair is so long...oh and it's your birthday and I think we need to sing.