Weight 25.5 lbs
Height 31.5 in
Head 18.9 in
Height 31.5 in
Head 18.9 in
You like to stay right in that high 60th-70th percentile. At your 15 month appointment we got lots of new stats, one of which said you were 15.3M of Age. I laughed, it kinda reminded me of your Grandma who insists on using months for a more accurate description of your age. I can't blame her, I used to do the same. I have never been good at keeping track of dates, whether significant in nature or not. I even have a tendency to lose track of mine and daddy's wedding anniversary. Sad huh? So when it came to you, my precious firstborn, I was determined to be better. When you were 9.75 months old, and yes I meant to tag that .75 on there, your auntie referred to you as 10 months. I felt like she was cutting you short of your 9th month. I wanted you to be 9 months forever. This happened again and again and again.
By the time you turned one I was done with months, and transitioned to "he just turned one." I used this for as long as I could. I liked the sound of it, and I felt like I was keeping you young in a way. But, now that you are an experienced one year old it doesn't seem seem fair to say you are newly one, but your not quite one and a half either. Predicament. So after hashing it out, I decided to stick with "he turned one in April." If the people asking choose to do the math they can, if not, that's fine too. Your Grandma will always do the math, and she will never cut you short of any of your months of age, I promise!
So, at 15 months, you have become a picky eater, and by picky, I mean you spit out your first tomato a week ago and rubbed your tongue with your finger. I was starting to think you never actually tasted the food, you have always eaten everything. You love fruit of all kinds and other than lunch, you still seem to be a bottomless pit.
You have 6 teeth, 4 o them sprouted at the same time, and surprisingly they didn't seem to bug you much. It makes nibbling on graham crackers easier, but you still refuse to chew as you shove handfuls of anything and everything in your mouth.
You are trying to run these days. And when you are not running you are walking on your tip toes. Your dad thinks you are working out your calves.
You love to help me get ready in the morning, you even know that my mascara goes on my eyes, sometimes you think dad needs mascara too.
You are totally off your bottle, I know, about time huh? Separation anxiety has a tendency to make nap time scary,like we wont come back for a week or something.
You love shoes, both yours and mine, and throw mini fits if you can't figure out how to put your shoe on yourself.
You are also into headbutting. It started when I would kiss your forehead. Now when I ask for kisses you coming running and slam for forehead toward my face, I have gotten a few bloody lips, and one bloody nose. Now you just headbutt when you are upset. Yesterday you got a bruise for repeatedly hitting your head against the kitchen cabinets.
You love anything cars, big or small. I find them in my fridge, cabinets, hiding behind my trash can, in my makeup, and in the toilet. Fortunately we have a lot of them.
You like to feed yourself. However, you don't have much of a patience for using utensils on your own. So instead you hold a spoon and one hand and shovel with the other. You like dipping food best. Your food always finds a way into daddy's drink.
You are so smart and like to figure out however thing works. The other day you brought a dvd case to us, when daddy finally gave you the dvd you ran to the dvd player and attempting to stick it in. You have a tendency to lose track of time opening and shutting it.
You are still sleeping 12hr a night, we absolutely love it!
You are still not talking much on your own. You can make lots animal noises, and you can repeat a few words, but you prefer Chinese most when we are not helping you, Mandarin maybe? I just so happen to know a cousin of yours, that you hang out with regularly, is studying Mandarin. Currently your vocab consists of the following:
- Uh-Oh
- Owie
- Okay
- Dad
- Vroom (car noises, a lot of car noises!)
Everyone you are around seems to think you can also say their names if they try hard enough to teach them to you, if this is the case, I would like you to call me mom.
You are so so busy. You always seem to have an agenda. We are loving this age. I would be okay if you didn't grow anymore.
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