
just a day in the park...

...a very cold day in the park!

So, momma has this thing (and excuse my lack for a better word). This thing that drives her nuts to stay inside too much. Daddy will attest. Its a real thing, and it probably needs to be diagnosed, but momma isn't ready to put a name to this thing quite yet! Besides, you seem to enjoy the fact that this thing forces us to get out! After a FULL day inside it has managed to take us to cities that are too far away to be considered Salt Lake anymore, and it does so at odd hours. This thing regularly gets us out of the house and we end up at Red Mango far too late for a weeknight. This thing also has been known to take us Ikea, to do nothing but look around. Did you know I even wound up at Ikea only 4 hours before I went into labor with my lil man?

And on Sunday, it forced us to the park. This idea seemed so appropriate for a lazy Sunday afternoon. It seemed appropriate until we actually opened the doors to our cozy lil house and felt the temperature outside for the first time that day. But when this thing that I speak of wants out, we have got to listen! So, we bundled up, and went to the park as it directed.

Turns out, this thing I have is pretty smart after all. Rain or shine (but mostly shine), hot or cold (but mostly hot), the park is a perfect place for a lazy Sunday. Did you know that momma and daddy would even take walks before you came? Yup, on occasion we found ourselves in a snow storm with snowboard boots, trudging around our complex. Sundays we made for walks, or walks were made for Sundays. Whatever the case, you seem to think so too.

We walked the park, and you babbled the entire time. You even clapped when someone walked by. Its like you were proud that they were out there too. We took a ride on the swings, and you incessantly cocked your head back to admired the clouds. An old lady laughed as she walked by. You are such a people pleaser, and a flirt, depending on the crowd, just like your daddy.

Oh how I love our trips to the park! Momma and Daddy are antsy to get more of them as you become older (and as it becomes warmer). I catch daddy daydreaming out playing ball with you. He loves being your dad. You love it too.

Love, Momma

1 comment:

~L~ said...

Dang I have that Thing too. I always end up at Ikea.